Getting started | Builder's Logs
Expenses:  $0.00
Hours:  0.00
Nov 02, 2022

It's been about a year since I ordered the kit in the midst of the pandemic....  Only about 6 months left to wait!  I checked in with the company and at least the delivery date hasn't slipped.

I had been building a Vans RV-14A, but sold that kit a bit over a year ago.  I was working in tech and scored enough cash to buy a 2004 Cirrus SR-22 which duplicated most of the mission I intended for the RV (fast cross country mover) but with 4 seats and air conditioning (I live in hot inland California!).

I was looking for a fun slow-mover that I could run in STOL competitions and take camping out in the desert when I ran across the Just aircraft.  I think the slats are cool and I'll have fun practicing on the grass at Flabob (KRIR) before heading out to the desert.

Getting ready to semi-retire, so I should have the time to steadily build.

Current plans are to get some tailwheel time at a local flying club and then take an off airport course.   Still wondering how to get transition training.